It all began with a board game - a graduation gift to be precise. The day came when I had finally graduated college and a very wise man gifted me a book and a board game. Little did I know it was not just any gift, it was the beginning of my future. It was a very popular book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and the board game, "Cash Flow 101". Later when I had opened the gift, I chuckled to myself - my Dad was always reading books about rising to the top, maximizing the dollar and being your own boss. I wrote my thank you and kinda tossed the items to th
e side. I never did open the board game and on two different occasions had tried to sell it at a yard sale for $10. Three years later, being desperate for cash to get a website started and open an e-commerce store, I tried my hand at eBay. It was time to move the game out of the closet and into someone else's hands. I began to search the auction site to see if there were other similar items listed. WOW, they were listed all right and for way more than $10! I took pictures of my gold mine, posted the item auction style and waited 3 days for the highest bidder to come in. By the time the auction was over, that board game brought over $199! Needless to say, I was tickled pink with my first "official" sale. I turned around and used the money to create the web-site you now know as